Useful Commands
This page will show you some useful commands when troubleshooting issues with your lancache setup. If this doesn’t work out you can always check out the support page.
Client device commands
These commands can be run from the client device you are trying to access the lancache from.
Command | Explanation |
ipconfig /flushdns |
(Windows only) This command will clear all locally stored ip adresses and other DNS records from your device |
ipconfig /renew |
(Windows only) This command will renew your DHCP assigned IP and DNS settings from the DHCP server |
nslookup |
This command will try to find the IP for the url and should return the IP of your LanCache server. This will verify if the DNS is working correctly |
nslookup |
This command will try to find the IP for the url and should return the IP of your LanCache server. This will verify if the DNS is working correctly |
ping <ip_address> |
This command can be used to see if your device can reach a certain ip address, for example the ip address of your caching server |
ipconfig /all |
(Windows only) This command will show your device’s network adapter information, including the DNS server(s) |
ip a |
(Linux equivalent of the command above) |
Test-NetConnection <lancache_ip> -port <port> |
(Windows only) This command tests the connection of the specified ports (Lancache runs on ports 80 and 443) to your lancache |
Lancache server commands
These commands can be run from the lancache server. For the docker commands it is recommended to use a privileged user.
For more information on using docker with a privileged user see this documentation.
Adding sudo
in front of the command also works.
Command | Explanation |
docker logs <container_id> |
This command shows the logs of a specific docker container. <container_name> could be used instead of <container_id> . The container names (normally) are lancache_monolithic_1 and lancache_dns_1 |
docker container ls -a |
This command shows all docker containers (including stopped ones) |
docker status |
This command shows the active status of docker |
docker-compose up -d |
This command will create the docker container(s) for the LanCache and start running it |
docker-compose down |
This command will stop all the running docker containers |
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d |
This command stops all running docker containers and restarts them afterwards |
lsof -i tcp:<port> |
This command shows the services running on a specific port |
ip -a |
This command shows all the ip information for your caching server |
find /your/cache/folder -type f -exec awk 'FNR>2 {nextfile} /origin\/eamaster\/s\/shift\ /mass_effect\/mass_effect_andromeda\/patchww_ww\ /mass_effect_andromedapcpatchww_wwconcept_670739583_ { print FILENAME ; nextfile }' '{}' + |
This command allows you to remove a corrupt file from the LanCache. This process takes a very long time on large caches (multiple hours), be patient |