Environment Variables

lancache-dns’s behaviour is controlled by a variety of environment variables. They are detailed here along with the default values.

Changing Environment Variables

Recreating is ok

Changing environment variables in docker requires you to delete and recreate your containers. Don't worry, your cache data is safely stored OUTSIDE in a volume and will be reused by the new containers

If you are using docker-compose these variables can be changed by editing the .env file provided. If a specific variable does not exist in your version of the .env just add a new line.

If you are using docker from the command line environment variables are specified using -e VARIABLE=VALUE format when you launch the container.

General Settings

Variable Description


The github repo url for the cache_domains files to use to populate the cdn maps, if you do not want to use the recommended source for testing purposes.

Default:  https://github.com/uklans/cache-domains.git


The branch of the CACHE_DOMAINS_REPO to use

Default:  master


The upstream DNS server(s) the cache should use. The defaults are Google DNS. Multiple upstream dns servers are allowed, separated by semi colons (or spaces). Do NOT point this at lancache-dns.


Advanced Settings


These settings really aren't meant to be changed very often, it is highly unlikely you want to change them unless it's been recommended by a team member or you REALLY know what you are doing

Variable Description


Internal reference version. DO NOT CHANGE THIS.

Default:  1


Default:  false


Internally used top level domain within the DNS RPZ structure for CNAMES. Should be largely invisible to end users.

Default:  cache.lancache.net